
The average family has 300 FIGHTS every year. And usually over stupid little things.

In the survey of 2,000 parents, 53 per cent described their home as chaotic, 42 per cent said their house was constantly noisy and 35 per cent said they wouldn’t have it any other way. Which works out well for British Gypsum, manufacturers of soundproofing, who did the survey.

Here are the top 10 reasons we fight:

10. Kids jumping on the furniture.
9. Yelling indoors.
8. Dishes left in your kids’ rooms.
7. Kids not wanting what you cooked for dinner.
6. Who started a fight, or whose fault it was.
5. Slamming doors.
4. Leaving too many lights on.
3. People not being ready to go on time.
2. The TV being too loud.
1. Kids refusing to put down gadgets and talk.

Does that match up with your household?