

What Would You Do For Better Sleep?


Would you give up a fancy vacation? How much would you pay to get a good night’s sleep?


According to a new survey more than half of Canadians want better sleep!


Here are some tips to improve your sleep!


1. Know your sleep style

There are two main types of people: night owls and so-called morning larks. The latter are the early-to-bed, early-to-rise types.

Morehouse believes they could benefit from an hour-long nap during the day, a workout in the evening (to help give them a little energy), and low to no light in the bedroom.

Night owls, who have a hard time getting up and going to bed at a “reasonable hour,” would benefit from low light in the evenings and bright light in the mornings.

That can cue melatonin to either knock them out at night or give them a wake-up jolt in the morning, Morehouse explains.

She recommends they avoid activities like exercise or video games late in the evening and naps.


2. Make a routine around it

“We’re creatures of habit so it’s good to have a set bedtime and wake-up time.”

That ideally means on weekends as well. Otherwise your sleep cycle will be thrown off and you’ll start your workweek sleep deprived, Morehouse said.


3. Make sleep a priority

“We all have competing priorities but sleep needs to be up there on the list,” “It should not be the last thing on the priority list.”


More on this story via Global News