What a great story of teamwork, sharing, and giving!

UPS workers in Alabama surprised a teenage colleague with his very own car. Derrick Taylor, 19, had been walking 5 miles to work at 4 AM for the past year and a half. He’d been working hard to make sure he had enough money to look after his sick mother and pay their bills.

Co-workers often insisted on giving him rides at least one of his trips to or from work. But, Derrick said he was too proud to ask for help both ways and doesn’t like accepting money or help from his older siblings.

He already had a driver’s license but couldn’t afford a car so staff pitched in and bought him a green Jeep Cherokee for $1,100 from a local dealer.

WATCH as co-workers present a surprised Derrick with his new car. *WARNING* this video will cause a tidal wave of emotion.


Filed under: Co-workers, derrick-taylor, Feel good story, giving, ups