The Bachelor is back in full force and I couldn’t be happier about it.

Right off the bat the girls are told that not every girl will go on a date this week, and with that the first date card is read. Going on the first group date would be Taylor, Alexis, Brittany, Sarah, Elizabeth, Danielle L., Vanessa, Raven, and this season’s villain Corrine.

Group Date #1

The lucky ladies run out of the mansion and jump in a bunch of Buick convertibles. Product placement at its finest.

Where were they heading? To take wedding photos with Nick. Seems sort of backwards for a first date but let me remind you that we’re watching a show about 30 women fighting to marry one man in less than three months, anything goes!

The girls are greeted by a pool side photoshoot where Nick says “There’s nothing more appropriate on a first date than to see what your wedding photos would like like”. Yeah, okay? Each girl was given a different type of bride or bridesmaid to dress up as and the girl with the most chemistry with Nick would receive the first group date rose of the season, oh what an honour!

Costa, the photographer assigns the roles and costumes to the girls which included: “Beach Bride”, “80s Bride”, and my personal favourite “Shot Gun Wedding”. Alexis (The Aspiring Dolphin Trainor who dressed as a shark for the first episode) was the shot gun wedding bride and it was amazing.


Brittany was given the Adam and Eve costume, which was basically bathing suit bottoms with leaves glued to them, thankfully her hair is long! Villain Corrine wasn’t a fan of someone looking more sexy than her so when her photoshoot happened, she decided to take her top off, and do the “Janet Jackson” pose. Costa decided that Corrine had the most chemistry, whatever Costa!


The date continued to a more intimate setting at night complete with cocktails and a platter of sushi that NO ONE EVEN TOUCHED! Corrine’s star really shine when she had one too many cocktails and started to slur her words and interrupted every girl’s time with Nick. This is the new drinking game of the season; have a sip every time another girl steals Nick away during a conversation. You’ll probably have to call in sick on Tuesday though, just saying!

Jaws were dropped when the group date rose went to …Corrine and it was after that that Raven delivered the sick burn of the night; If Nick is just looking for someone who is leading with their sexuality, no wonder its his fourth time”. PREACH GIRL PREACH!

Back at the mansion, Liz decides to tell Christen (the virgin) that she met Nick prior to the show at Jade and Tanner’s wedding and actually hooked up with him that night…she went into full detail which seemed wildly inappropriate for a family friend channel but whatever!

One-on-One Date #1

My personal favourite, Danielle M. would get the first one on one date of the season. I’m biased but no one deserved it more than her. The 29 year old neonatal nurse has to be the nicest girl on the planet and is therefore WAY TOO GOOD FOR NICK.

Danielle got the first helicopter ride of the season AND the first ferris wheel ride! She also opened up to Nick about being engaged before and that her fiancé died 5 and a half year ago of a drug overdose. Nick handled the heavy information well, and the date ended with a nice kiss and of course a rose.

Group Date #2

Christen, Josephine, Astrid, Jaime, Christina, and Liz were sent on the net group date which was ironically at a The Museum of Broken Relationships. The girls were greeted by a pair of actors fighting and then breaking up, and you know what happened next. Oh you don’t? Well the girls each had to act out a scene where they were breaking up with Nick.

Of course, Liz went last and s*** got real real fast!

She decides to reveal her and Nick’s past (which was completely unknown to the other ladies in the house, with the exception of Christen).

The date then heads to….you guessed a cocktail party! Christen pulls Nick aside to break her promise with Liz and spills the beans that Liz told her about their hook up. Classic Bachelor move, spending your one on one time talking about another girl.

Nick then pulls Liz aside and he’s not happy. He says what we’ve all been thinking since season one, that Liz is here because she wants to be on TV and that if she wanted to date him she would have pursued him after they hooked up! So to put this simply, he sent her home!

Bye Liz, Bye. I don’t want to make this about me, but I didn’t see that coming and my Bachelor Bracket is a disaster now.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, no rose ceremony.

It’s almost cruel that we have to wait another week to see what kind of Liz-related drama unfolds. Until next week, stock that wine!


*slow clap*

Filed under: Chris Harrison, Nick Viall, The Bachelor