With the holidays coming up or just every day life stressing you out, the way to calm the nerves…Listen to music!


Not just any song will do though! Scientists in the U.K did a study and found the 10 best songs that helped de-stress participants in study!


“The study was conducted on participants who attempted to solve difficult puzzles as quickly as possible while connected to sensors. The puzzles induced a certain level of stress, and participants listened to different songs while researchers measured brain activity as well as physiological states that included heart rate, blood pressure, and rate of breathing.” 


Here are the 5 songs they found helped people calm down to:












If you want the rest of the top 10 or to read more on the study find the info at INC.com

Filed under: Adam Taylor, kiss 102.3, life, Lifestyle, Music, Nerves, Science, stress, Things You Need To Know, Winnipeg