Just in time for the most dramatic season yet (how host Chris Harrison teases every season) The Bachelor has released its own wine collection.

HOW HAS IT TAKEN THEM SO LONG TO COME UP WITH THIS BRILLIANT IDEA. This is marketing at its finest, even the wine names are spot on; The Fantasy Suite (Cabernet Sauvignon), One on One (Chardonnay), and The Final Rosé. Pure genius, because everyone knows that The Bachelor and wine go together like peanut butter and jelly, ketchup and fries, broken hearts and entire buckets of ice cream.

Remember this classic scene from Ben Higgin’s season when JoJo’s mom showed Bachelor Nation how it’s done? Classic!
Bachelor Wine 3

However, before you get all excited crossing your BFFs off your Christmas Shopping List, according to their website The Bachelor Wines are only available in the US, for now….

Fingers crossed these dramatic wines are available in Canada soon, remember Canada is home to some of the most memorable Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants EVER.
Jillian Harris, Vancouver

Daniel, also from Vancouver.

And this gem….
Jami cats
Jami from Alberta. She was fantastic.

Remember season 21 of The Bachelor returns to City January 2nd.
bachelor Nick

photos via People.com , Inquisitr.com

Filed under: Chris Harrison, Jillian Harris, Nick Viall, The Bachelor, Wine