We’re all searching for that secret to living longer…right?


We eat better, drink lots of water & exercise…but the answer is: Social Media. Wait, what?



I’m not totally sold on this…To me it seems like it’d be the opposite, spending to much time reading the negative comments, dealing with Facebook / Social media trolls feels like it’d take a toll on a person but apparently not


Researchers did a study of 12 million Facebook users (which isn’t many) and compared them to people who don’t use Facebook and a few of the findings were:


  • the average Facebook user was 12 percent less likely to die than someone who didn’t use Facebook at all
  • people who received lots of friend requests also live longer 


The researchers also suggest that when people lie on Facebook to enhance their social status, they actually create false memories in their own brains. Social media also appears to either alleviate stress or enhance it, depending on the user and situation.

That’s just a little bit of the findings, if you want an in depth look the full article is at Smithsonianmag.com

Filed under: Adam Taylor, kiss 102.3, life, Lifestyle, Longer Life, research, Social Media, Winnipeg