Ready For A History Lesson?

J.K. Rowling is prepared to take muggles back to school and teach them about the lesser-known history of magic in the Americas. The Harry Potter Author has taken to her Pottermore site to publish the third and final chapter of her story about the magical history of America. Her original Harry Potter tales detailed the adventures of wizards and witches in Europe, but now she wants to ensure fans know there is magic everywhere!

Give It A Read

The new story from Rowling gives us great historical detail of the origins and laws governing magic people in North America throughout history. Perhaps one of the most interesting laws is related to the relationship between magic and non-magic peoples (called No-Maj):

“One of the most significant American magical laws was created in 1790, when MACUSA approved an edict to enforce total segregation of the wizarding and No-Maj communities.

Rappaport’s Law, named after then-President Emily Rappaport, was created as a result of one of the worst breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy ever known, a breach in which the daughter of Rappaport’s Keeper of Treasure and Dragots and a Scourer descendant almost exposed the existence of magic worldwide.

With the passing of Rappaport’s Law, intermarriage and even friendship between wizards and No-Majs became illegal in the United States.”

To enjoy the complete story, click here to read the full post on Pottermore. The timing of this post is an excellent primer to get fans excited for the new movie Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, which is set in the world of wizard Harry Potter Fans have come to love.





Filed under: Books, Fantastic Beasts, Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, Harry, harry potter, J.K. Rowling, movies, Potter, Witch, Wizard, Writing