Modern Family is a smash hit AND has been one of those shows that has been praised for the portrayal of same sex relationships. Tomorrow’s episode will be another first for the show…featuring the first openly transgender child actor.


8-year-old openly transgender child actor, Jackson Millarker, will be making his debut.


In the episode Cam and Mitchell  host a play date between their daughter Lily and her transgender friend Tom. Both parents are happy that they’ve raised a child who’s and open-minded but when Lily insults her friend, they use it as a teachable moment about acceptance.





The call for more trans-visibility in the entertainment industry was brought forward by Transparent star Jeffrey Tambor in his Emmy acceptance speech for best actor.


Catch tomorrow’s history making Modern Family at 8pm on CityTV


Filed under: ABC, Actor, CityTV, history, kids, Modern Family, Transgender, TV