There you are just going about your day as a normal human being the BOOM you find out you’re actually an alien… It could happen and its all because of your blood!


There’s a new theory which suggests, that if you have an Rh negative blood type, you may have what researchers are calling “alien DNA”. Studies have proven that the Rh negative blood type does not carry the gene which originates from the rhesus monkey, the animal that humans supposedly evolved from.


Here are some of the characteristics that come with the Rh negative blood type :


-higher IQ

-having lower body temperature

-more psychically and emotionally in tune 

-red or reddish hair

-sensitivity to heat

-predominately blue, green or hazel eyes.


The SpiritScience website has WAY more info!

Filed under: Alien, Aliens, Blood, Blood Types, In The New, Need To Know, News, research, Science