Are you one of those people who makes their bed everyday OR are you like the rest of us who don’t bother because what’s the point?!? Well, if you’re latter…good news! Science says DON’T make your bed every morning!


A messy bed might actually be better for your health because of dust mites – you know…those gross microscopic critters

Dust mites can trigger asthma and allergies in some people

They thrive in the humid, warm conditions of a neatly made bed, but dry out when the blankets are left thrown off.


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Do you make your bed everyday or are you like me and just leave it messy? I honestly only make my bed when people are coming over!


Lots more on the dust mite / messy bed study from Science Alert!

Filed under: Allergies, Bed, dust mites, Lifestyle, Messy Bed, research, Science, Sleeping