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Photo from

I’m going to be totally honest here. I’ve already eaten 3/4 of a pan of these since Saturday.

I’ve never been one to suffer from PMS. My whole life I didn’t fully understand what other women were complaining about. Then I had my daughter and when my hormones finally came back to me, 14 months later, they smacked me with a vengeance. I thought it was a one-time thing, but no. Each and every time it’s like I’ve been hit by a mack truck of hormonal confusion.

Friday morning, I cried over a Pokémon commercial and when I saw an ad for a pastry – and then some Doritos – all I wanted was to EAT ALL THE FOOD. Yup. All the signs were there.

I’d like to personally apologize to anyone that I may have mentally maligned over the years thinking PMS couldn’t be that bad. I was wrong. It’s real. It’s powerful. And I was in serious need of a chick flick and a bottle of wine.

But I made the mistake of going on Pinterest. For future reference, if you’re ever stuck in a hormonal maelstrom – pregnant, PMS, menopause, whatever – DO NOT GO ON PINTEREST.

It’s dangerous. There are so many recipes with cheese, and chocolate, and french fried onions…(don’t you judge me, they’re delicious!)

Enter the Cheesecake Brownies.

I’m going to tell you right now, they’re even better than they sound. Not too much cheesecake, not too much chocolate and perfectly moist. Incredibly easy to make! And I had all the ingredients in my cupboard, except for one.

1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
¼ cup white sugar
3 eggs
1 cup white chocolate chips
¼ cup butter
1 cup milk chocolate chips
½ cup white sugar
? cup all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt

Instead of the white chocolate chips, I subbed in a half cup of milk chocolate chips and a half cup of skor bits. Yum. As far as subs go, you would have thought that was how they were supposed to be made.

Plus, they paired delightfully with my bottle of pinot noir. What more could a highly hormonal girl want?

Go check out Kristyn’s site and make her cheesecake brownies. No regrets.

And you’re on Pinterest, follow KiSS so we can check out your great recipes too!

Filed under: brownies, cheesecake, chocolate, food, recipe