
Clear: The app that deletes your most embarrassing posts!

Most of us are on social media these days but sometimes it can come back and bite you in the butt. We’ve just seen it recently with the new host of The Daily Show, and heck – we even saw it in the last mayoral election with a Facebook post a candidate’s wife made a few years ago.

Random comments we’ve completely forgotten about, maybe taken completely out of context, don’t always represent us the way we want the world to see us.

It happened to the app creator Ethan Czahor. He was hired as Jeb Bush’s chief technology officer, but had to resign in less than 48 hours after journalists uncovered some old offensive tweetsSo, Ethan decided to make an app that will delete almost everything that could get you fired.

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Clear logs into your social media accounts and targets posts that might be objectionable. It’s not just profanity or slurs either. It looks for references to racial groups or sexual orientation, and even analyzes the general sentiment of the post Then you are the one with the final say over which posts you want to delete.

Now, the smartest idea is still to just not post anything offensive or derogatory on the internet. Then you won’t need an app to cover your tracks.

But if you just want to be sure, Clear is available on iTunes though there’s currently a waiting list.