
The guy who stole Lupita Nyong’o’s Oscar dress won’t get in any trouble, Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini and a familiar face could be back at NBC!

So the guy who stole Lupita Nyongo’s Oscar dress is going to get away with it…Yes the dress cost 150,000 dollars (or did it). The pearls on it were fake and Calvin Klein, so essentially the dress was worthless and the designer doesn’t want any more un-wanted attention More from TMZ.com


So did Kelly Clakson and Justin Guarini hook up during American Idol, does she still think Miley Cyrus is pitchy stripper and what did she think of Carrie Underwood in the TV version of Sound of Music? All the answers are courtesy of TOOFab.com

The new head of NBC news has an idea of who he wants to take over for Brian Williams while he’s off the air… The deets are HERE from Perez Hilton.com